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문의요 구매문의 23-07-11 23:36


The State shall formulate and implement necessary plans, such as comprehensive development of agricultural and fishing villages and 성인용품 support thereof, in order to protect and foster agriculture and fisheries. When the president is elected, or when the president-elect dies or loses his/her qualification due to judgment or other reasons, his/her successor shall be elected within 60 days.The National Assembly has the right to declare war, dispatch the Armed Forces to foreign countries, or consent to the mainstream within the territory of the Republic of Korea. All citizens have the right to be in charge of public affairs as prescribed by law.The State shall foster self-help organizations of farmers, fishermen and small and medium-sized enterprises, and shall guarantee their autonomous activities and development. The organization, scope of duties, and other necessary matters of the National Economic Advisory Council shall be prescribed by law.


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